Siren's Song to Evoke Your Monad

Our monad, the indivisible and eternal Life within us, explores, maybe forever, different realms in the multiverse to glean life experience ...

Virginia - Locals in Training

I’d never dreamed to find Washington DC interesting at all since I have little interest in politics and the legalistic, bureaucratic convolution that trails behind it, and the resultant headache it gives me. But once we got there and I looked at some of what America would call “old” …

Consciousness Transcends Culture

Came across this post from Atmogenesis this morning and it moved me. It is a gentle reminder to be mindful of the environment I’m in, be grounded in who I am, refocus

Such a Beautiful Planet

🙂 Posted by Cosmic Enlightenment on Saturday, February 25, 2023 I was hell-bent to get the re-posting of a Facebook post to work on my site. The message is important. Of course this only