US Citizenship - A Step in Good Faith
.. I felt recharged with a vision of rising above by focusing on the light in front of my life: my potential of what I might achieve and contribute.
Yesterday I was a guest in a citizenship ceremony.
What I observed were people from so many different walks of life and origins, 39 different countries in this ceremony, ranging from Brazil to Nepal.
During the ceremony, the speaker and a video by POTUS[1] brought up some very important and inspiring points, recounted here conceptually:
- America is not merely a country, but an ideal that everyone is created equal, a place of practically infinite possibilities where all you need is courage.
- This country's foundation is its ethnic & cultural diversity, a rich tapestry that, when in harmony, can create great things, even the lives that we want, creating an abundance out of which we can in turn share …
- Don't just sit and eat your hamburgers, but contribute something beneficial to society, the country even, each according to their ability.
It's easy to see an abundance of negativity in this country. In reality, the country is shooting itself in the foot by its media spewing out an endless barrage of food for neuroticism. So when I listened, I felt recharged with a vision of rising above by focusing on the light in front of my life: my potential[2] of what I might achieve and contribute.
After all, we're not children anymore, waiting for our parents to tell us what to do. As adults, evolved through experience, we must take our destiny in our own hands and participate in creating the world we want, for us and our children. And that is done, one heart, one soul, one step at a time.
Choose your adventure!
Title Image: Where will your boat take you? Will you get in in the first place?[3]