Living in the Age of Confusion
We do live in an age of computers, push-button convenience, immediate gratification and an overabundance of information and all those who would demand our attention and energy.
The ingredients to solving the most important problems in this world are only two things: inner peace (hence clarity) and compassion. The answers are found within, surely you’ve heard that before?! However, it’s not mere knowledge to be carried about in your head. It’s an awareness, a connectedness and a warmth that comes from the heart.
In order to see the beauty of this world you have to start by stilling all the ripples of interference and noise in the inner pond. Sit still for a change and just be: help your mind wind down slowly by being grateful, taking inventory of the things of substance in your life e.g. health, relationships, job, … {personal qualities …}
Discipline yourself to sit still until all the energy & inner noise subsides, then things will begin to become clearer
- the infinity of your inner being – light
- the connectedness with all that is – finally having found “home”
- the purpose of being – discovery, expression, evolution/ascension
The realization of this turns into more than merey imagery as this reality is experienced in the deepest places of your innermost being!
NOW one may begin to enbark upon one’s endeavors in this world, having been freed from the enslavement of ego which encompasses and pervades far too many human endeavors. In pure spirit we were meant to live on this earth to grow and prosper, from a place of joy not compulsion or fear …